Live Transfer Tax Settlement Calls

Live Transfer Tax Settlement Calls

Tax settlement live transfer calls are a great way to bring in hot inbound calls to your sales floor. Instead of having enrolled agents and tax professionals calling out, developing leads and closing them, this work is entrusted to a domestic call center that has a team of transfer representatives that focus on nothing but delivering tax firms fresh inbound live calls.

They call out on aged tax settlement data from radio, television and internet as well as tax lien data. While on the phone with prospects for tax settlement they build rapport, survey for interest, pre-qualify and then get permission to transfer the prospect to a tax expert. When connecting to a member of the tax settlement sales staff, they provide a warm introduction so the hand off and call go as smoothly as possible.

The campaign is tracked through a portal. Phone numbers are logged and conversations are recorded from the warm hand off through the end of the conversation with sales. Managers are able to get in and review lead flow, lead quality and the performance of their tax professionals. Live transfer tax settlement lead campaigns are easy to set up and are built around the number of calls requested per day, states serviced, hours of operation and time zone. This keeps the sales day organized while focusing representatives on bringing revenue and profits to the company by servicing consumers.

Sample Live Transfer Tax Settlement Lead

  • Date: 01/01/2020
  • First Name: John
  • Last Name: Smith
  • Phone Number: 1-800-000-0000
  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: CA
  • Tax Debt: $50,000
  • Debt Type: Federal

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