Radio Tax Settlement Calls

Radio Tax Settlement Calls

Live radio tax settlement calls are a great source of hot inbound calls for tax firms. Some tax groups believe that radio is the superior media when it comes to generating calls because the callers represent a demographic of people on the road that have tax issues that are actually going to work every day and trying to hold things together. While there are no absolutes in the critique of the differences between television and radio tax settlement calls, there may be something to this.

A thirty to 60 second radio spot is played in prime time hours 9am to 7pm across the country. Consumers respond by calling in on an 800 number which routes calls to tax firms on the basis of the scheduling details of their campaign. Those preferences include time zone, hours of operation, number of calls per day and states serviced.

Each call-in is logged by the system, recorded and housed in a portal for review. Managers have access to the portal to review lead flow, lead quality and performance of agents. It is a great way for tax firms to be organized and focused on sales which bring revenue and profitability to the office.

Sample Live Radio Tax Settlement Lead

  • Date: 01/01/2020
  • Caller ID: John Smith
  • Phone Number: 1-800-000-0000
  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: CA

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