TV Tax Settlement Calls

TV Tax Settlement Calls

TV Tax Settlement Leads are generated thru a thirty second to one minute spot in prime time or remnant media slots. A generic television campaign related to the tax settlement industry is aired with an 800 number that allows multiple firms to plug in at once. The callers are interested and highly motivated resulting in a hot inbound call and a buzzing sales room. All calls are logged and recorded, providing owners and managers a platform to review recorded conversations and scripting. It is one of the best tax settlement leads on the market when available. The tax settlement firm sets its states service, hours, time zone and number of leads per day with a minimum and then all they have to do is sit back and take live tv tax settlement leads. This is done on a cost per call basis or a firm with more of a branding approach to marketing can buy tv time with a custom commercial unique to their firm on a cash buy media basis. In this instance there is no guarantee of the number of calls. The beauty of the tv tax settlement lead is that it is offered on a cost per call basis taking the risk out of a media purchase and unknown response.

Sample Live TV Tax Settlement Lead

  • Date: 01/01/2020
  • Caller ID: John Smith
  • Phone: 1-800-000-0000
  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: CA

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